Primary Care Providers
Andrea Bertke, MSN, FNP-C
Ms. Bertke毕业于托莱多大学,获得护理学学士学位. 然后她在瓦尔登大学继续她的教育, 在那里,她成功地获得了护理学硕士学位和家庭护士执业证书. Ms. Bertke为所有年龄段的病人提供护理, 自2015年以来一直是家庭必威betwat服务的认证执业护士.
Stephanie Breault, FNP-C
Ms. Breault graduated from Northern Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and relocated to Northwest Ohio to be closer to family. She successfully completed her Master of Science in Nursing from Ohio University and obtained her Family Nurse Practitioner certification. 她在克莱德的FPG急救中心工作, Ohio, 在2023年3月加入家庭必威betwat服务之前的六年里. 斯蒂芬妮喜欢照顾各行各业的所有年龄段的人,并花时间与家人和狗在一起.
Ashley Klonk, MSN, APRN, FNP-C
Ms. Klonk是诺沃克人,毕业于阿克伦大学,获得护理学学士学位. 自2012年以来,她一直在包括ICU/CCU在内的多个环境中担任注册护士, Labor and Delivery/OB, Medical/Surgical, and ER. 她还曾担任当地注册护士项目的兼职教员. 她继续获得护理学硕士学位,专注于家庭实践, 取得家庭执业护士证书. 阿什利期待着为她的社区服务,并在FHS诺沃克诊所为所有年龄段的患者提供高质量的护理.
Aaron Martinez, DO
Dr. 马丁内斯是科罗拉多州人,毕业于丹佛大都会州立大学,获得化学学士学位. 他之前在兽医学领域工作,同时完成了生物化学硕士学位. 他曾就读于中西部大学医学院, 他在菲尔兰的桑达斯基完成了他的家庭医学住院医师项目. Dr. 马丁内斯很高兴把这个地区称为他的新家,并为所有年龄段的病人提供初级护理.
Alexa Murray, APRN, FNP-C
Ms. Murray is a Sandusky native who graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience and soon after became a Registered Nurse, 在哥伦布的俄勒冈州立大学韦克斯纳医疗中心担任内科/外科注册护士. 在俄勒冈州立大学工作的同时继续她的学业, 她继续获得护理学硕士学位和家庭执业护士证书. 在回到桑达斯基的家之前,她在OSUWMC神经内科实习成为一名NP. Alexa很高兴能再次住在离家人近的北海岸, 通过必威betwat向所有年龄的病人提供高质量的初级保健.
Jennifer Richardson, MSN, CNP
Ms. 理查德森毕业于俄亥俄大学,获得护理学学士学位. She then went on to further her education at University of Cincinnati where she obtained her Family Nurse Practitioner certification and Master of Science in Nursing. 詹妮弗加入家庭必威betwat服务,能够为所有年龄段的病人提供护理.
Laura Spasic, MSN, AGNP-C
Ms. Spasic毕业于The University of Akron,获得护理学学士学位. She then went on to successfully receive her Master of Science in Nursing and her certification as an Adult Practitioner from The University of Akron. 劳拉专注于成人医学,并于2017年加入家庭必威betwat服务.
Nutrition Providers
莱斯利·约翰逊,MS, RD, LD,食品是医学项目主任
Ms. 约翰逊毕业于列克星敦的特兰西瓦尼亚大学, KY, 获得营养与可持续发展文学学士学位. 她继续在塔夫茨大学弗里德曼营养科学与政策学院接受教育, 获得营养传播理学硕士学位, Intervention, and Behavior Change. Leslie then went on to complete the requirements to become a Registered Dietitian and completed a year of supervised practice at Duke University Hospital. 她热衷于让所有人都能接触到新鲜食物, 有营养的食物,可以帮助他们保持身体必威betwat,并很高兴为FHS的病人提供营养咨询.
Behavioral Health Providers
Nicole Beck, BSW, LSW
Ms. Beck graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work from Bowling Green State University and became a Licensed Social Worker in 2021. 妮可在游戏治疗方面有经验, addictions, case management, 并为儿童提供个人咨询, teens, couples and adults. 妮可渴望在社区内建立关系,并将在诺沃克办公室提供服务.
Tracy Byington, MSW, LISW-S
Ms. Byington在各种社区和心理必威betwat环境中拥有超过25年的经验. Tracy本科毕业于BGSU,并在俄亥俄州立大学获得社会工作硕士学位. 特雷西提供了一种多维度的方法来满足个人的需求. 她的培训内容包括认知行为疗法, Family Informed, 正念和动机性访谈. 特蕾西现在接待各种年龄的病人.
Lillian Clapp, BSW, LSW
Ms. 克拉普于2023年毕业于州立鲍灵格林大学, 获得社会工作理学学士学位, and becoming a Licensed Social Worker. 莉莉安很高兴能为孩子们提供咨询服务, 西储备学区的青少年和家庭.
Christy Cox, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Ms. 考克斯毕业于欧文斯社区学院,获得注册护理技术学士学位. 克里斯蒂在凤凰城大学获得了护理学学士学位. 然后她成功地完成了北肯塔基大学的精神病学硕士证书. 克里斯蒂提供行为必威betwat诊断, treatment, and medication management, for adults, adolescents, and children, in our Norwalk office.
Joshua Durkalski, MSW, LISW-S,实习生首席治疗师
Mr. Durkalski毕业于克利夫兰州立大学,获得社会工作学士学位. 他在阿克伦大学继续他的教育, 获得临床社会工作硕士学位. Mr. 杜卡斯基是一名有执照的独立社工,并得到了主管的认可. 他接受过EMDR和TF-CBT的创伤训练. 他来自克利夫兰地区,有六年的社区心理必威betwat工作经验,治疗过儿童和成人.
Heather Lambert, MSW, LSW
Heather graduated from Ohio University with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work and continued her education at Case Western Reserve University earning a Master of Social Work and becoming a Licensed Social Worker. 她接受过EMDR、TF-CBT和LGBTQ+青年临床咨询策略方面的培训. 希瑟在FHS爱迪生学校诊所为儿童和青少年提供咨询服务.
Stephanie Lane, MSW, LSW
Ms. 莱恩是佛罗里达人,在俄亥俄州生活了20多年. She obtained her Bachelors in Science of Social Work with a minor in Human Development and Family Studies from BGSU and her Masters in Social Work from Case Western Reserve University. In addition, 她获得了CWRU创伤知情护理专业的研究生证书, along with a certification in Neurosquential Model of Therapeutics (NMT) and a certificate from Ohio Domestic Violence Network to be qualified to work with individuals who have experienced domestic violence and human trafficking. 她在办公室和我们当地的一个学校诊所为病人看病.
Renee Leber, MSSA, LISW-S,行为必威betwat执行主任
Ms. Leber graduated from Defiance College and continued her education at Case Western Reserve University for her Master’s in Social Work. She has been licensed since 2007 with a focus in abuse and trauma working with all ages using evidence based practices such as Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) with children and Eye Movement Desensitization & 再处理(EMDR)与儿童和成人. Ms. 莱伯还谈到了社会和家庭调整以及焦虑等情绪障碍, depression, bipolar, and inattention. 她非常热衷于让周围的人看到自己内心的力量.
Ms. Miller graduated from Bluffton University and continued her education at the University of Tennessee Knoxville where she graduated with a Master of Science in Social Work. 自2014年以来,她一直是一名持牌社会工作者, 2018年获得独立执照, 以及她在2019年的上司背书. 凯特琳有各种各样的心理必威betwat咨询经验, medical social work, hospice/grief, and child welfare. 她作为治疗师接受的培训包括认知行为疗法, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, Motivational Interviewing, Trauma-Informed, and Strength-Based counseling. 她在FHS玛格蕾塔学校诊所为儿童和青少年提供咨询服务.
Anna Moses, BSW, LSW
Ms. Moses graduated from Bowling Green State University in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work and became a Licensed Social Worker. 她正在为孩子们提供咨询服务, adolescents, 以及他们的家人在桑达斯基办公室和当地学校诊所.
Kimberly Ollom, MSW, LISW-S
Ms. 他毕业于州立鲍灵格林大学,获得文学学士学位. She then completed her Master of Social Work from The Ohio State University and is a Licensed Independent Social Worker-Supervisory. 她还接受过EMDR和TF-CBT的悲伤工作和创伤培训,并获得了DBT认证. Ms. Ollom在诺沃克办公室为所有年龄段的人提供咨询服务.
玛丽·彼得斯,DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, FNP-BC,医学主任
Ms. 彼得斯获得了普罗维登斯医院的注册护士文凭, 圣约瑟夫山学院护理学学士学位, 在托莱多大学获得护理和家庭护士执业硕士学位, 获得托莱多大学和赖特州立大学联盟的护理博士学位, 以及她在辛辛那提大学获得的精神病学心理必威betwat执业护士证书. 玛丽期待着为她的病人和社区服务.
Teresa Puckrin, MSW, LSW
Ms. Puckrin graduated from Bowling Green State University in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies with a minor in music. She continued her education at The Ohio State University earning her Master of Social Work in 2023 and became a Licensed Social Worker. 她在诺沃克办公室和家庭与家庭服务部门罗维尔市学校诊所提供咨询服务.
Anthony Schalk, MC, LPC, LCDC III
Mr. Schalk graduated from Kent State University with his bachelor’s degree in criminal justice in 2012 and from Walden University with his Masters in Clinical Counseling in 2021. 安东尼拥有双重执照,拥有他的LPC, Licensed Practicing Counselor, and his LCDC III, 持牌化学依赖顾问III. Anthony has over 9 years of experience in community mental health working with children and adults with mental health and substance use concerns. 安东尼在他的治疗过程中使用认知行为疗法和动机访谈. 他目前在桑达斯基地区为青少年和成年人提供咨询服务.
Sophia Seitz, MSW, LSW
Ms. Seitz graduated from Bowling Green State University with her Bachelor’s in Human Development and Family Studies with a minor in psychology. 她在州立鲍灵格林大学继续深造,并获得了社会工作硕士学位. 她接受过EMDR和TF-CBT方面的创伤培训. Ms. 塞茨在家庭与公共服务部桑达斯基学校诊所为儿童和青少年提供咨询服务.
Julie Shedron,生活垃圾,LISW-S,诺沃克的首席治疗师
Ms. Shedron于2003年获得BGSU心理学和社会学学士学位. 2004年,她在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校获得社会工作硕士学位, 专门研究社区心理必威betwat. 她是一名有执照的独立社会工作者,拥有辩证行为疗法的认证. DBT是一种专注于提高沟通能力的疗法, manage your emotions & 压力和使用正念来应对心理必威betwat和成瘾症状. She is also trauma trained in EMDR. 朱莉致力于帮助青少年和成年人提高他们的自我价值和自信,以解决问题和实现他们的人生目标.
Cheri Slingwine, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Ms. Slingwine于1997年获得Providence Hospital School of Nursing的注册护士文凭. 她获得了瓦尔登大学护理教育专业的护理学硕士学位. Cheri then continued her education by graduating from Maryville University with her Post Masters Certificate as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. 谢里在我们诺沃克的办公室接受新病人.
Mr. Soviak获得了Firelands区域医疗中心护理学院的注册护士. 他持有Bowling Green State University的护理学副学士学位, 获得俄亥俄州立大学护理学学士学位, 并获得张伯伦大学家庭护理硕士学位. Kip recently completed his Post Masters Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certification at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions. 基普期待着与他成长的社区合作.
Erin Thompson, APRN, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC
Ms. Thompson毕业于肯特州立大学,获得护理学学士学位. 她获得了卡普兰大学的护理学硕士学位和家庭护士执业证书. 艾琳继续在辛辛那提大学完成了她的精神病学硕士证书. 艾琳可以治疗所有年龄段的患者,并于2020年加入家庭必威betwat服务.
Elizabeth Takacs, MSW, LSW
Ms. Takacs毕业于Ashland University,获得心理学学士学位. 随后,她获得了俄亥俄州立大学的社会工作硕士学位. 作为一名有执照的社会工作者,Liz在Townsend社区学校提供咨询服务. 她接受过EMDR、TF-CBT和创伤知情创作艺术方面的创伤培训. 她一生都住在桑达斯基地区,她期待着有机会回馈她的社区.
Joseph Veliz, MSW, LISW-S
Mr. Veliz graduated from Bowling Green State University and continued his education at Case Western Reserve University for his Master’s in Social Work. He has been licensed since 2005 with a focus in mental health and works with all ages using evidence based practices such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing. Mr. Veliz还谈到了社会和家庭调整以及焦虑等情绪障碍, depression, bipolar, and inattention. 他在与被诊断为自闭症谱系障碍的人一起工作方面受过广泛的培训.
Jocelyn Wollenslegel, BSW, LSW
Ms. Wollenslegel graduated from Bowling Green State University in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work and became a Licensed Social Worker. Ms. Wollenslegel在FHS爱迪生学校诊所为儿童和青少年提供咨询服务.
Kelly Wilhelm, MSW, LSW, CDCA
Ms. Wilhelm completed her undergraduate degree from Bowling Green State University and obtained her Master’s of Social Work from The Ohio State University. 凯利在危机应对服务方面有经验, case management, family therapy, and individual counseling to children, teens, and adults. 她最近获得了创伤专业认证. 她的热情是为那些患有心理必威betwat问题的人服务,同时减少他们可能面临的障碍.
Family Medicine Residency Physicians
Eric Mast, DO
Program Director
Paul Bruner, DO
Kari Ketvertis, MD
Matthew Braniecki, DO
Adam Jenkins, DO
Joe Parenteau, DO
Kyle Denihan, DO
Samantha Mason, DO
Mitchell Rice, DO
Kaitlyn Rizzo, DO
Rebecca Howard, MD
Mark Khalil, MD
Frank Kickel, MD
Stanton Vincent, DO
Albert Aickareth, DO
Josilyn Clark, DO
Darcy Davis, DO
Rebekah Farris, DO
Simon Nadeau, DO
PGY1 Transitional Year
Joseph Patrick, DO
PGY1 Transitional Year
Lawrence Stolzenberg, DO
PGY1 Transitional Year
Nicholas Trivelas, DO
PGY1 Transitional Year
有关FRMC医学教育学院的更多信息, visit here.
有关FRMC医学教育住院医师的更多信息, visit here.
Clinical Staff
Nyesha A.
Front Desk Receptionist
Gabby B.
PCMH Coordinator
Hannah B.
Medical Assistant
Shelley B.
Medical Assistant
Amy C.
Medical Assistant
Anjali C.
Medical Assistant
Tisha C.
Medical Assistant
Gretchen D.
Medical Assistant
Alena E.
Medical Assistant
Brittany E.
Front Desk Receptionist
Paige F.
Call Center
Taylor F.
Call Center
Dillister G.
Medical Assistant
Melissa G.
Front Desk Receptionist
Tiffany G.
Medical Assistant
Brittany H.
Medical Assistant
Jaida H.
Quality Panel Specialist
Kristen H.
Front Desk Receptionist
Stacie H.
Front Desk Receptionist
Heather L.
Medical Assistant
Lisa J.
Licensed Practical Nurse
Alaina K.
Case Manager
Kimberly M.
Front Desk Receptionist
Melinda M.
MA, Call Center
Mikayla M.
Medical Assistant
Natalia M.
Call Center
Chelsea P.
Front Desk Receptionist
Kylee P.
Medical Assistant
Kaytlynn S.
Front Desk Receptionist
Stacy S.
Medical Assistant
Rhonda R.
Front Desk Receptionist
Sheila S.
Licensed Practical Nurse
Marsha W.
Medical Assistant
Niesha W.
Front Desk Receptionist
Sue W.
Licensed Practical Nurse
Dental Providers & Staff
Joseph Rizk, DMD – Dental Director
Dr. Joseph Rizk completed his Bachelor of Biological Sciences from Wayne State University and received his Master of Basic Medical Sciences from Wayne State University. Dr. Rizk继续在Temple Kornberg牙科学校完成了他的牙科医学博士学位. 他有超过10年的手术经验, oral surgery, endodontics, 可移动和固定的牙科手术. 他有丰富的牙科诊所操作知识和经验, maintenance, payroll, budgeting, and recruiting. Dr. Rizk成功地为华盛顿玛丽中心牙科部门提供了完整的指导和监督.C. Additionally, Dr. Rizk serves as FHS’ Dental Director.
Fiorella Lamas Castillo, DDS
Dr. Fiorella Lamas Castillo, DDS, 获得秘鲁卡耶塔诺埃雷迪亚大学口腔医学学士学位. Upon completing dental school, 她继续在同一所大学攻读口腔医学硕士学位, a diploma in Periodontics, 以及牙周病和种植的专业. She attended the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine in the Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) residency from 2019 to 2021. Dr. Lamas Castillo是一名认证牙医,在修复,美容,可拆卸方面经验丰富 & 固定牙科程序,并对外科和再生牙周程序感兴趣. Dr. 拉马斯·卡斯蒂略能说流利的英语和西班牙语在我们诺沃克的诊所给病人看病!
Agnish Gholekar, DDS
Dr. Agnish Gholekar, DDS, 他在Pravara医学科学研究所完成了牙科外科学士学位, 并获得了康涅狄格大学牙科学院的普通牙科高级教育(AEGD). 他有进行修复,手术,口腔外科,牙髓学,可拆卸手术的经验 & fixed dental procedures. Dr. Gholekar是一名获得委员会认证的牙医,在我们诺沃克的诊所为病人看病!
Jasmina Saric, DDS
Dr. Jasmina Saric, DDS, 毕业于萨拉热窝大学牙科医学院, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2004. She came to the U.S. 2009年12月,她完成了国家委员会牙科考试I和II. In 2013, 她被弗林特纽约大学朗格尼分校的高级教育普通牙科(AGED)项目录取, MI. Upon completing her AEGD, 她在同一家FQHC又待了两年,担任牙科医生. Dr. Saric有牙科修复方面的经验, endodontics, oral surgery, removable and fixed prosthodontics. 她喜欢在社区卫生诊所工作,并在公共卫生方面有所作为.
Daniel Vega, DDS
Dr. 丹尼尔维加DDS,是一个充满激情和熟练的牙医与令人印象深刻的教育背景. Originally from Miami, Florida, Dr. Vega以优异的成绩毕业于佛罗里达国际大学生物学专业. 之后,他在纽约大学攻读牙科博士学位. 然后,他在芬德利的纽约大学朗格尼必威betwat中心完成了普通牙科住院医师的高等教育, Ohio, 他在哪里获得了各种普通牙科领域的专业知识, including oral surgery, endodontics, prosthodontics, and operative procedures. Dr. Vega is known for his kind, patient, 了解所有患者群体的方法, prioritizing empathy, and addressing patients’ concerns.
Katrina H.
Dental Hygienist
Cassie H.
Dental Hygienist
Jessica V.
Dental Hygienist
Ashley W.
Dental Hygienist
Jaely C.
Dental Assistant
Vanessa D.
Lead Dental Assistant
Madyson F.
Dental Assistant
Rebecca G.
Dental Office Supervisor
Kaytlyn H.
Lead Dental Assistant
Shelby H.
Dental Assistant
Alexandra I.
Dental Assistant
Heather J.
Dental Assistant
Jaylynn J.
Dental Office Supervisor
Julie M.
Dental Assistant
Kim M.
Dental Assistant
Maggie S.
Front Desk Receptionist
Administrative Staff
MarLana Binkley
Director of Finance
Ya’Shica Brown
School Based Outreach & Enrollment
Cora Higgins
Director of Public Relations
Laura Fedele
Primary Care Office Supervisor
Theresa Kilgore
Primary Care Charge Nurse
Peter Rauner
Community Development
Sheri Repko
Behavioral Health Charge Nurse
Brock Ricci
eCW/IT Administrator
Brisa Salinas
Revenue Cycle Specialist
Thomas Szilagyi
IT Administrator
Ciera Weber
Emily Windisch
Director of Human Resources
David P. Tatro, Sr., MBA, FABC – CEO/CFO
Mr. 塔特罗来到俄亥俄州桑达斯基,拥有30年的医疗管理经验. A native of Western Massachusetts, Mr. 塔特罗在组织领导方面有很强的背景, 策略性规划及透过社区伙伴关系增加收入. 她在华盛顿玛丽中心担任了10年的首席运营官.C., Mr. Tatro将公司从2009年的800万美元增长到2018年的6500多万美元. Mr. Tatro也是华盛顿首都临床综合网络的创始人和首席财务官, D.C. 是由多个FQHC和管理式医疗机构组成的吗. Mr. 塔特罗毕业于马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校, 在纳舒厄的里维尔学院获得工商管理硕士学位, NH. 他是华盛顿特区顾问委员会公司的成员.C. Additionally, 他是南骑士团首都分会的活跃成员,也是共济会的成员, 这两个组织都支持退伍军人,并为当地社区提供慈善援助. 他和他的妻子阿黛尔将搬到桑达斯基地区. 他们有两个成年子女,埃里卡·罗斯和小大卫.
玛丽·彼得斯,DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, FNP-BC, -医学主任
Ms. 彼得斯获得了普罗维登斯医院的注册护士文凭, 圣约瑟夫山学院护理学学士学位, 在托莱多大学获得护理和家庭护士执业硕士学位, 获得托莱多大学和赖特州立大学联盟的护理博士学位, 以及她在辛辛那提大学获得的精神病学心理必威betwat执业护士证书. 玛丽期待着为她的病人和社区服务.
Renee Leber, MSSA, LISW-S -行为必威betwat执行主任
Ms. Leber graduated from Defiance College and continued her education at Case Western Reserve University for her Master’s in Social Work. She has been licensed since 2007 with a focus in abuse and trauma working with all ages using evidence based practices such as Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) with children and Eye Movement Desensitization & 再处理(EMDR)与儿童和成人. Ms. 莱伯还谈到了社会和家庭调整以及焦虑等情绪障碍, depression, bipolar, and inattention. 她非常热衷于让周围的人看到自己内心的力量.
Joseph Rizk, DMD – Dental Director
Dr. Joseph Rizk completed his Bachelor of Biological Sciences from Wayne State University and received his Master of Basic Medical Sciences from Wayne State University. Dr. Rizk继续在Temple Kornberg牙科学校完成了他的牙科医学博士学位. 他有超过10年的手术经验, oral surgery, endodontics, 可移动和固定的牙科手术. 他有丰富的牙科诊所操作知识和经验, maintenance, payroll, budgeting, and recruiting. Dr. Rizk成功地为华盛顿玛丽中心牙科部门提供了完整的指导和监督.C. Additionally, Dr. Rizk serves as FHS’ Dental Director.